Exciting news for educators working with kids ages 7-14! We’re hosting a FREE workshop where you can dive into the fascinating world of generative AI! Join us as we explore its ethical aspects and how it works, all while teaming up with fellow educators to design engaging STEAM-focused educational activities. This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance your teaching toolkit and spark creativity in your students—don't miss out!
This event is Free. All materials for design and activities are provided.
January 25th 2025
Decatur Makers
605 W. Ponce de Leon Ave
Decatur, GA 30030

Who Should Attend:
Educators working with kids aged 7–14.
What You'll Learn:
Ethical aspects of generative AI. How generative AI works and its classroom applications.
Hands-On Activities:
Collaborate with fellow educators. Design educational activities for generative AI using STEAM-focused methods.
Research Study Information and Consent Details
This workshop is part of a Georgia Tech research study and we will give participants a consent form to sign at the beginning of the workshop. After the workshop, participants may be contacted for one or more short interviews asking about their thoughts on Al and education. Participation in any / all parts of the study is completely optional. You will not be compensated for participating. The Georgia Tech IRB has approved this study - Protocol H24466 "Al Literacy Workshops with Adult Educators". The Pl is Noura Howell, nhowell8@gatech.edu. The Co-Pl is Michael Nitsche. If you have any questions about the workshop, you can email the lead PhD student researcher, Supratim Pait, spait3@gatech.edu.